Tag Archives: sweaty mess

Sandy Cardigan


Spring has finally started to make an appearance in my little corner of the world. The grass seemed to go from dormant brown to brilliant green in a matter of hours. The birds are chirping and building nests, which is driving my cat berserk. I officially swapped out my winter coat for a light jacket. Summer is coming.


My BlueSand Cardigan is also coming along, and fairly quickly considering the small amount of time I have had to work on it. School is back in session after a much needed spring break and my training runs keep getting longer and longer, which leaves just a few sparse moments at the end of the day to add a couple more rows. Thank goodness for the weekend where time is slightly more abundant.


The thing I like most about this cardigan is that it is striped. I haven’t knitted a lot of striped things in the past, but this time around I am realizing that stripes make everything go faster. They are like little mile markers along the length of the sweater. Instead of busting out the measuring tape every five seconds (which I usually do, along with irrational thoughts that maybe, just maybe, that one row I just knit magically added the three inches I need to get to the next step in my pattern) I can visually see the progress I’m making. It is just lovely.


Hopefully I find some good quality knitting time this weekend, but there is quite a bit going on during my two day sabbatical from work. Saturday, I am running in the Crazylegs Classic 8K in Madison, which I hope to write a race recap for in the next few days. Then I have to hustle home to bathe my sweaty self and get presentable and pretty for my friend’s wedding shower, of which I am a bridesmaid for. It is going to be a tight time crunch between these two events and I’m a tad bit concerned about being late for the shower. I briefly considered just going to the shower (the wedding kind) in my race clothes. I know my friend, who is the most lovely person in the world, wouldn’t mind at all, but I could just imagine getting the stink eye from some middle-aged aunt. I’ll shower (the water kind) and put on a dress and blow dry my hair and potentially risk being late. Sunday, I’m going to church, which usually results in going out to lunch with friends at an alarming frequency, and then sitting down to grade the massive pile of tests my Algebra 2 students took this week. Deciphering the chicken scratches of teenagers is not my favorite part of the job. Oh, and Game of Thrones is on. We can’t forget that.

Have a happy weekend!